Wednesday 9 November 2011


In moonlight, when laid down
Beneath the shade of a tree;
It’s full of blossoms,
Can’t even see its branches;
Which grew up to the unknown world,
A pleasant smell covered up to fell asleep.

Three stars in the sky, twinkling its eyes,
Oh! Is it an amazing dream?
At past, had so many ..
Grandpa- his memories gave
A kiss from sweet point haired cheeks:
Which feels and lasts whenever he came
Grand grandpa- his shivering cold hands,
Is still in my small hands;

Oh!  Grand and favorites are much,
The memories and moments are uncountable,
Like the stars in the sky.
The moon and the stars is shining
Its bright light falls on the face
It glows my heart with the Almighty.
Night, a pleasant smell fills up
Followed by the breeze;
To take me to them
To fill the heart, bright light…