Recently, I had a trip to Tamil Nadu along with my family. I saw a Tamil Nadu Tourism board where written the wordings as 'The Land of Enduring Heritage'. It made me think and my mind had a small journey faster than my eyes about this land. When we use to travel along Tamil Nadu my beloved friends like you also might have a kind of similar thoughts or its what I felt. You can agree or disagree.
Keralites are highly educated than any other States of India. That might be a reason why we will see more English sign board rather than our own Mother Language ones here. When we goes out of Kerala State, we get a great chance to interact with the native people there and of course even the smallest child will learn small words from that place. It is a kind of promotion of their own language. But a person who really wish to learn some words in Malayalam will only just try for it.
Tamil Nadu is far better than our God's own country in tourism. Tamil Nadu is known as lands of festivals. Even though TN doesn't have labeling with God, they rise higher than Kerala. The roads and High ways of TN were better than Kerala. The ease of travelling is a major reason why tourists are attracted. We don't have a healthy competitive Government. Pathetic Kerala Government start to think of the people who elected them when its time for another election. TN is also having strong ruling and opposing parties. But they compete for the welfare of people, not for their own comforts even if there are exceptions.
TN tourism is promoted not only by the Government, but also by the people around there. I got many chances to meet many people who came beside our vehicle after stopping their own jobs and gave the right direction with a smile. We people here might first think about the benefit which can be gained before any kind of action. I just thank all those Tamil makkalls who helped us all though the journey and make us feel the warmness of hospitality.
My journey was at the time of Pongal, so when we went to a hotel which doesn't have much rush. The owner welcomed us with a small smile (out of his tension in his mind). Later, within some minutes it was understood that there was no worker in that hotel that day. The man was owner comes server comes cook comes accountant. A good salute from my heart to that man who is a true Indian, who reminded me the Father of Our Nation.
We can see small worship houses, can be called as temples within each half kilometers when we pass through those yellow paddy fields. Those people are having strong believes in God than we people who thinks we are. When we gets good education we search for comforts and happiness of our own. Is that making all us away from society? Myself, my children, my family, my business; are we all shrinking??? Not a globe, but to ourselves.
I am writing what I saw and felt. People like us have much to learn from those small village communities who teaches what society is. Giving service without expecting returns. A hand on our shoulder to show the affection, love and care before we expect. A slap on your face with smile when you are wrong(every action has reactions). All these can be collectively called as social life. Is it necessary to go to the rural areas of Tamil Nadu to feel what social life is. Think, Think and Think.... Thanks now you also move with my heart...
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